KoiVet.com resources
Help From Doc Johnson https://www.koivet.com/help/
Where everything is being added and updated: DrJohnson.com
A Video About How To Get Help With Fish Diseases
The best filtration for fish tanks Sponge Filters: https://drjohnson.com/the-best-aquarium-filters-ever/
The air pump I’m using to push ALL my tanks at the office and ALL my tanks at home: https://drjohnson.com/aquascape-pond-aerator-20-and-60-review/
Where to get sponge media for the home made filters in THIS video: Suburbanponds/OpenCellFoam
The medicine replacing Mardel’s Clout now: Microbe-Lift BSDT https://drjohnson.com/microbe-lift-bsdt-replacing-clout-parasites/
What to use to get rid of Flukes : https://drjohnson.com/praziquantel-for-koi-deworming-and-flukes/
What to use to get rid of Fish Lice and Anchor Worms : https://amzn.to/2OUDp7G
What to use to get rid of almost everything else. Microbe-Lift BSDT https://drjohnson.com/microbe-lift-bsdt-replacing-clout-parasites/
Best price I’ve ever seen on a BIG 125g Sponge Filter ($10 as of Nov 25, 2019) https://amzn.to/2OxfvQB
Neutral regulator (Click), a way to keep pH stable at about 7.0 for most tropicals and Goldfish.
Water Testing Strips, they’re just “good”, but that’s perfectly good enough for hobbyists and what I like is that the Ammonia test is WITH all the other ones instead of separate.
This antibiotic, used as a bath for 6-8 hours a day at around 78 DF may be almost as good as an antibiotic injection, when that’s not feasable. (Furan antibiotics)
This Sinking Pellet (click) is what you should feed your goldfish. It keeps them off the surface and working the gravel for a negatively buoyant food. All goldfish.
This is a Koi food I like because it contains immune-potentiating nucleotides. (Betaglucans) branded “Impact” which may stimulate a strong immune response but definitely speeds growth.
This stuff kills the heck out of Flukes.
When you’re flooming, or pumping water in a quarantine, or powering an undergravel filter, or even a sponge filter stack, a powerhead comes in handy.
This stuff kills Fish Lice and Anchor Worms quickly and very safely.

Ed Noga’s Fish Diseases First Edition book for those of you ready for the next-level fish disease information.
The above is the kind of heater I’m using in my fish room at the office. It’s got a titanium body so it can’t break. It’s well reviewed and it’s 400W without being like, $50. I’m going to put it on a thermostat to redundantly protect the fish from overheat.
This is the air blower I’m using for my fish room and my tanks at home. I have three of the Model 60. Two are in use, one’s for backup.
This is the dog food I am currently feednig Ajax. I appreciated the ingredients list, at the price point of a little over a dollar per pound delivered. He was on Epigen for a year or more but lost too much weight. He was very lean and muscular.
These lights are cheap and VERY bright, powered by LED and absolutely waterproof. They just sit on top of my fish tanks inside the hood. Here is a picture of the fish tank with those lights in use.
This is a great deal, on a LOT of limber, rubbery silicone airline tubing, the only kind of airline tubing I’ll use because it has no memory.
The best “air stones” to drive sponge filters. These are cheap, replaceable without making you cry and they’re really good at creating a lowbackpressure “mist” of air bubbles.
Sponge Media for home made filters:
A REALLY good deal on a 25 foot Python Fill and Drain gravel cleaning device. How can you do without it?
Basket feeders to keep your brine shrimp and bloodworms from flying all over your tank and making an effing mess.
This is the DHEA I take, myself
When I Recommend FOS or “Chicory Root” Inulin this is what I mean:
The Cetaphil Wipes I’m always recommending for Atopic feet and for cleaning wounds, and lesions.
Where to find most, if not all of my videos on Youtube. My Main Youtube Channel
Figuring out your Koi and Fish Health Illness Problem In Twenty Easy Steps
- Video 1 –> Have the fish been handled recently? Why that matters
- Video 2 –> Is it winter? Summer? Why that matters
- Video 3 –> Feeding and Underfeeding. Why that matters.
- Video 4 –> Ammonia and it’s super common, why it matters and what it looks like.
- Video 5 –> Nitrites and what THAT looks like, why it matters and what to do about it.
- Video 6 –> NitrAtes – especially common fish killer / weakener in established pond.
- Video 7 –> pH is the most common deadly water quality parameter to check. Crash discussed.
- Video 8 –> Oxygen levels. Why it might sag, impact of heat and plants, what to do about it.
- Video 9 –> Crowding. How many is too many. What does that do to fish?
- Video 10 –> Water movement and turnover. Common. Stale, still water. Fish weakener.
- Video 11 –> Temperature; it’s influence, it’s pitfalls, the ideals for fish recovery
- Video 12 –> Cuts and bruises. Is that an ulcer, or a gash? How can you tell. When and if you treat.
- Video 13 –> Cleanliness – Is the pond clean? Properly maintained? Can fish recover in unclean ponds?
- Video 14 –> Bacterial infections – a usually unnecessary video because 90% of people have figured out the source of a disease is in their water quality and husbandry. Injections, treatments, etc all discussed.
- Video 15 –> Fungal infections, you’d be surprised the cause, and the treatment (or lack thereof)
- Video 16 –> The parasites, this is pretty common. What you need to know about them, and their treatment.
- Video 17 –> Viral diseases, like Koi Herpes virus and some of the skin-viruses that cause warts.
- Video 18 –> No video 18 lol
- Video 19 –-> Quarantine. If you did it, then the list gets shorter. If you didn’t do it, (and how to do it) the field remains very wide.
- Video 20 –> Resources for more help, diagnostics, fish vets who still do it.