Pizza in a Bag – HOW NOT TO FEED YOUR DOG.
Pizza In a Bag (A Truthful Satire)
Finally! Your dog will never decline food.
“Aren’t you tired of mixing melted butter and whip cream with the dogs food to get it to eat?” Well, those days are over!
This will get your dog eating like it’s hungry, even when it’s not. Not even a little bit.
Remember the days of sitting at the dining room table with your child, forcing the emptying of the plate three times a day or “you’ll sit here until you do”? And the kid just wasn’t hungry?
Threats were good. Feeding cookies and cake was good. But letting the kid just choose how much she ate? No possible way.
Of course you don’t. Forcing a kid to clean their plate when they’re not hungry made fat kids. I’m living testament.
Find a food that your dog self-regulates. IMPORTANT: Find a food your dog has the ability to walk past when it’s NOT HUNGRY.
Note (with happiness) that picky dogs are either:
“A good weight. Like BCS4“
This would make a good bumper sticker:
A picky dog with three ribs showing, is sick. A picky dog with no ribs showing is just fine.