Baytril / Enrofloxacin Injection: How to Use Baytril for Koi Ulcers
Baytril Enrofloxacin Injectable Dosing
Baytril Dosing – by Dr Erik Johnson
Baytril: (Enrofloxacin) Injectible from Bayer Labs, is a 2.27% solution. I give @ 0.1 cc per 6 inches of fish, daily for three injections, then EOD for 2 more injections. Total injections, a maximum of 5.
2018: This has worked SAFELY and effectively. Newer research has revealed that you can dose fewer times, and with one day in between. The advantage is that the fish is handled less. And of course it’s less work for you!
Recommended dose, (I. ictaluri) is 14mg per kg.
I give the drug Intraperitoneally, with a 25 G needle on a tuberculin syringe.For large fish, Koi etc. I will use a 3cc syringe. The drug is very, very safe.

Be careful injecting gravid (egg laden) females. The antibiotics will simply go into the egg mass and will not get diffusion throughout the body where needed! Better in those to inject IM (Intra Muscularly) This is also true for recent surgery cases where the peritoneum was opened surgically and may not yet be patent. (Baytril can be diluted or leached.) Injection in the muscle is preferable then.
Recently, I’ve read a few things by people who neither keep fish nor work on them with any frequency – on a famous (notorious?) British message board.
Assertion: Says Colin Buckinghamshire – Failed-insurance-agent-turned-Instant-Koi-health-expert when he started importing Koi: “Baytril will not work in cold water.”
Answer: Yes, it will. Fish metabolism is VERY slow and the drug achieves an eventual MIC in the tissues. This MIC lasts longer than once thought, even in warm water. The bacterial progress in cold water is concurrently attenuated and so a slow rise in MIC can often intercept a slow rise in bacterial infection.
Here is a link to the best airpump I have ever bought.
According to Biff “Sandshark” Sanderson, Surfboard jockey turned instant-Koi-Health-Expert in California when he opened his store: “Baytril doesn’t work anymore.”

Answer: Um. Are you practicing fish medicine? How was college? Can you back that up with cultures? I can verify, even recently, that Baytril (enrofloxacin) is HIGHLY effective against the majority of the Pseudomonas and even Proteus strains I am seeing this and over the last FIFTEEN years. I wish people who don’t even have the qualification to be running around with needles would just SHUT UP before making blanket statements based on a fish or two. 2018: Really curious Biff? Send a comment and I’ll fax you a pile of cultures with Enrofloxacin sensitive proteus and pseudomonas.
According to Dwight Johns-Haughty, instant-Koi-Health-expert by opening a message board where everyone agrees with him: “Baytril is inactivated in the liver when it passes through, so you have to inject in the front of the body.”
Answer: Again, this is *SO* not correct and I wish people would STOP pretending to be doctors. “First pass theory” regarding portosystemic metabolism of medications administered in the back half of the body in animals with three chambered hearts has been DISPROVEN, what; TEN, FIFTEEN years ago? Catch up please before you look EVEN MORE like the idiots you are.
Yes I’m salty. It’s hard enough training correctly to have ALSO to undo myth and urban legend.